Mike's Bird Gallery
Mimics - Finches - Longspur

Jump to:   Waterfowl to Quails to GrebesPigeons to HummingbirdsRailsShorebirdsAlcids to GullsLoons to HeronsHawksOwls to KingfishersWoodpeckers to ParrotsFlycatchersShrikes to CrowsLarks to CreepersWrens to ThrushesMimics to Finches to LongspursTowhees to SparrowsBlackbirds to OriolesWarblersTanagers to GrosbeaksBack to Gallery

Gray Catbird



Curved-billed Thrasher


Brown Thrasher



Long-billed Thrasher


Sage Thrasher



Bahama Mockingbird



Northern Mockingbird





European Starling




Common Myna


Cedar Waxwing



House Sparrow



American Pipi


Pine Grosbeak




House Finch




Purple Finch





Cassin’s Finch



Red Crossbill


White-winged Crossbill


Common Redpoll



Pine Siskin





Lesser Goldfinch


American Goldfinch






Evening Grosbeak



Lapland Longspur



Snow Bunting



Jump to:   Waterfowl to Quails to GrebesPigeons to HummingbirdsRailsShorebirdsAlcids to GullsLoons to HeronsHawksOwls to KingfishersWoodpeckers to ParrotsFlycatchersShrikes to CrowsLarks to CreepersWrens to ThrushesMimics to Finches to LongspursTowhees to SparrowsBlackbirds to OriolesWarblersTanagers to GrosbeaksBack to Gallery